What Are The Side Effects Of Removing Teeth?

removing wisdom teeth

Your smiling confidence is dictated by the strength of your teeth, gums and bones. Performing strong oral hygiene is essential to keep your teeth and gums free from damage and decay. When teeth are decayed, there is a greater need for treatment to either restore the tooth’s health or remove the tooth altogether.

There can be many reasons why a tooth is removed. Sometimes, unexpected experiences can lead to further damage, hence the need to perform tooth extraction treatment. For example, when playing physical contact sports in a dental accident, biting down on something hard causes the tooth to become loose, or you have an impacted tooth (typically known as wisdom teeth). 

Patients typically want to know whether there are any side effects of tooth extraction. Pulling teeth out can be daunting, and it is important that patients are aware of any side effects to support recovery.

Are There Any Risks Associated With Tooth Extraction?

The surgeon may opt for a simple extraction or a surgical extraction, depending on the condition being dealt with. Modern dentistry has led to tooth extraction as a safe and limited-pain form of treatment. Although, there are some risks to be aware of, particularly before treatment:

  • Vomiting
  • The anxiety leads to a lack of breath and chest pains
  • Signs of infection such as fever 

When it comes to preparing for tooth extraction treatment, if you’re feeling anxious, then it is important to consult your dentist so that an adequate solution can be recommended to help you during your treatment. You may consider sedation dentistry, designed to help you feel consciously relaxed and numb any sensation during treatment.

What Are Side Effects Of Tooth Extraction To Be Aware Of?

It is important to note that there may be side effects of tooth extraction that occur. 

  • Bleeding – Bleeding is likely to occur after treatment, and the way the bleeding can be stemmed is through the development of a blood clot. The dentist will request you to bite down on a gauze pad for 30 minutes immediately after treatment. The bleeding may continue after this, and the surgeon will provide you with gauze pads to take home with you to bite down on for another 30 minutes. You may need to perform this several times until the bleeding stops.
  • Swelling – There’s also likely to be swelling in the mouth and cheek. It is likely to form a day after treatment. Minimise the effects of this by applying a cold compress against the cheek with a cold compress such as an ice pack or a pack of peas every 15 minutes on and off throughout the day. 
  • Tender Mouth – You’re unlikely to feel any sensation after treatment until the anesthetic wears off. Therefore, it is important to be careful that you don’t bite down on your lip, tongue or cheek because you won’t be able to feel this until the numbness wears off. 
  • Discoloured Skin – When swelling occurs, your face skin may change colour, such as a light shade of blue. This is expected to disappear after a few days naturally.
  • Infection – Infections are very common following tooth extraction. You’re likely to be prescribed some antibiotics to take at home so that you reduce the risk of getting an infection.

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How Can I Recover From Tooth Extraction?

You can perform many aftercare steps to increase the chances of recovering quicker and swiftly. It is important that you remain relaxed for the first 3 to 4 days after treatment, which includes limiting any physical or strenuous activity, keeping your head elevated when lying down, updating your diet to eat softer foods to reduce mouth movement when eating food, and making sure that you keep your mouth clean through strong oral hygiene.

If you’re seeking further support after treatment or are still experiencing side effects of tooth extraction, consult our Ashfield dentist team today or book yourself in for a follow-up appointment.

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by Dr Johnson Tang

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