Why Are Dental Implants So Expensive In Australia?


Why are dental implants so expensive in Australia? A common question has trumped many Australian residents interested in dental implant treatment but are put off by the cost. Dental implants are expensive, but it is recommended that implant treatment isn’t dismissed out of hand just by looking at it.

A valid argument in the past is that dental implant treatment is likely to be 40% cheaper in countries such as Thailand. To help answer the question, let’s look at the factors that influence the cost of dental implants in Australia to answer the question: why are dental implants so expensive in Australia?

What Is The Average Cost Of A Dental Implant?

In Australia, the typical cost of a single dental implant starts from £2500 a tooth. Although, as you will see, this can vary depending on several factors. If certain restorative treatments are required to assist you with your appointment, you may pay additional fees. For instance, bone grafting promotes bone health or the extraction of a dead tooth and cleaning of the damaged area to make room for the implant. During your session, the dentist will assist you with this.

What Are The Cost Factors Of A Dental Implant?

So, what are the key factors which make dental implants in Australia so expensive? Let’s break it down.


Dental implant treatment costs differ for every city, some cheap and some more expensive. Typically, Sydney and Melbourne are more expensive, and this is because of keeping the costs in line with inflation and the cost of living. For example, if you get dental implant treatment in a dental clinic in Cairns, the cost typically starts from $1900. However, in Melbourne and Sydney, it could even start from $2500. 

Brand of Implant

Yes, different kinds of dental implant brands can impact the implant’s overall quality. Whilst most brands have proven successful when used for implant treatment, those brands that charge more will likely impact the cost of treatment to the patient as well. A more expensive brand is likely to have more design and quality benefits compared to a cheaper brand, just like a choice of smartphone. 

The Experience and Skill Of The Dentist

Dental implant treatment requires a skilled professional to complete. This means making sure that they use safe and quality equipment and learning techniques to complete the treatment. The results of the implant are expected to be of quality. 

Cost Of Materials

Dental suppliers typically import products against the importing fees, meaning that those fees can hike the cost of supply which differs from city to city. Although, the dentist may look to supply cheaper implant products to make up for higher prices. 

Cost Of Labor

This is one of the key differences that impact the cost. Of course, pricing from city to city will be different, but the cost of labour will be a key contributor. By labour, we’re talking about overhead costs of the dental practice, cost of material, time spent on treatments, supply of products, professional salaries and more. As part of a dental practice business, all factors impact the need to make a profit whilst staying afloat so the dental practice’s dental services can continue to upgrade where possible.

These factors typically impact the cost of implant treatment in Australia. It is important to note that the general cost can vary, but it is important if you’re wondering why you consider these factors.

If you’re seeking dental implant treatment in Australia or want to know more about why dental implants are so expensive in Australia, consult your local dentist for an initial appointment today!

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by Dr Johnson Tang

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